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O beijo da mulher-aranha


deve ter sido Nefertiti,

deve ter envenenado mil soldados  

carrega no seu coque negro skyscraper

cronologias vitorianas-beatnik,

e um paraíso inteiro de musas e relâmpagos



sobrancelha foguete           pronta

para se lançar na luta.


The kiss of the spider woman 


she must had been Nefertiti,

she must had poisoned a thousand soldiers    

she carries in her black bun skyscraper

Victorian-beatnik chronologies,

and a whole paradise of muses and duplicated

lightning bolts.


rocket eyebrow           ready

to be launched into the struggle.




Paralelos cósmicos




terminações nervosas pós-românticas  

e a caravana dos vasos sanguíneos estufados:

a cada dez dias são obstruídos por um falso eclipse. 


Cosmic parallels 



they meander 

post-romantic nerve endings

and the caravan of the stuffed blood vessels:

every ten days they are obstructed by a false eclipse. 




The season of the witch


Tinha 8 anos quando aprendeu a língua do mundo dos mortos.

aos 11 foi batizada com a vodka clandestina contrabandeada da Rússia Czarista.

atravessada no cometa de Hermes e Afrodite, foi parida e anistiada neste mesmo calabouço.

sobreviveu à pista magica e hoje escreve a dor em logogrifos

imersos em piscinas vazias.

por trás desta capa translucida rompe a sua íris que muda de cor para enxergar melhor no escuro de um liquor bar no leste da cidade.

arrasta cem algemas, pólvoras, agulhas cinéticas  – ornamentos para o banquete

de Blanca Severo Luna.


trás consigo uma gigante coroa de crina lisa, anéis e fitas

como se fosse a sua própria escolha.



The season of the witch


She was 8 years old when she learned the language of the deceased.

At 11 she was baptized with clandestine vodka smuggled from Czarist Russia.

brought by Hermes and Aphrodite’s comet, she was delivered and amnestied in this same dungeon.

She survived the magic dance floor and now writes the pain in logogriphs

Immersed in empty swimming pools.

Behind this translucid cloak her iris breaks and changes colour to see better in the darkness of a drinking den in the eastern part of the city.

she drags a hundred handcuffs, gunpowder, kinetic needles  – ornaments for the feast 

of Blanca Severo Luna.


she carries a giant crown of smooth mane, rings and ribbons

as if it was her own choice.





A saliva

rutilante escorre

no canto da boca -

cérbero sem destreza,


galopa além do mosaico.



The shining 

saliva dribbles

in the corner of the mouth -

ungoverned Cerberus

without skills,

gallops beyond the mosaic.

Maira Thorley

Translated by Virna Teixeira 

Maira Thorley was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1977, and she lived in London for many years, where she did a postgraduate degree at King's College London on Roberto Piva's work. She was an avid poetry reader, and an unpublished poet. She sent those poems to Theodora a few weeks before she died of a breast cancer by the end of 2018. 

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